Beware Conflicted Values
The global economic indicators are flashing amber warnings in many markets as the near decade long bull run in equities has come to an...

Market Value: Is the global consensus under threat?
In the early 1990s international agreement on what Market Value represented was widely recognised as essential for cross border trade and...

The future is uncertain – what’s the problem?
The International Valuation Standards (IVSs), and other standards based on them such as the RICS Red Book, require the disclosure of any...

What's in a name?
All professions have their favoured jargon and acronyms but the valuation profession has a multiplicity of differently named...

Make yourself valued
One of the most common complaints I have heard from real property valuers over the past twenty years or so is that THEY are...

All aboard the fairness merry-go-round
Fair is a tricky word, no more so than in a valuation context. Even if one ignores some of the obvious homonyms of fair, it is still...

When is fair fair?
The Court of Appeal finds that fairness is not necessarily in the eye of one party in LBI EHF v Raiffeisen Bank.

Valuers - Are you sufficiently engaging?
Valuers following valuation standards such as the IVS or RICS Red Book will be aware of the need to prepare Terms of Engagement (ToE)...

Intangible but not Insubstantial
Intangible assets are nothing new. In the United Kingdom there are many long established brands that are far more responsible for the...

The principle of highest and best use (HABU) should be well known to valuers, but some still struggle with the concept in practice. It...