Valuers' Briefings
Our work with valuation firms and those who rely on valuations gives us insight into some common problems in how valuations are presented and explained. Often the legal or regulatory context in which a valuation is provided can be daunting for the valuation professional and their client alike, which can lead to misunderstandings.
We have produced a number of “Valuers’ Briefings” aimed at provided a short, easily digested overview of the key points that have to be considered when providing valuations for various purposes and in different circumstances. These are not academic studies but are intended to be a practical “aide memoire” that busy practitioners can consult as and when required. We do not pretend that they provide the definitive answer to every challenge that may be encountered, but our aim is to help valuers better understand their clients' needs and how to respond to them effectively.
The Briefings are available as either an eBook or paperback from Amazon by following the links below.

Valuation Uncertainty
The IVS and RICS Red Book both require a valuation report to disclose if the reported value is subject to material uncertainty. Although this has been a longstanding requirement, it remains a source of confusion for valuers and clients alike. This Briefing examines the reasons why uncertainty disclosures came into valuation standards, the form they should take and why it is important that they are used sparingly.

Valuations for Secured Lending - Restricted Marketing Periods.
Examines the problems inherent in trying to provide a value that assumes an unreasonable period to achieve a sale and suggests a practical approach that complies with the IVS. This Third Edition has an extended examination of the relevant legal considerations and further recommendations on providing such advice.

Valuations for Financial Reporting under IFRS
Looks at the various requirements under International Financial Reporting Standards that may require valuations to be undertaken, with the focus on tangible assets such as property, plant and equipment. It explains the accounting objective and the appropriate assumptions and approach in each case.

Valuations for Financial Reporting in the United Kingdom
While many UK businesses are required to report under IFRS, or opt to do so, many smaller enterprises use UK standards. Also, the public sector has significantly different valuation requirements to those in IFRS. This Briefing includes all the guidance on IFRS in the above publication plus an examination of the valuation requirements under the various UK specific standards.