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Organisation Name: Asociación Española de Análisis de Valor (AEV)

(Spanish Association of Value Analysis)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? Yes

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? No

Additional Information: member TEGOVA

Organisation Name: Asociación Española de Valoración Inmobiliaria y Urbanistica (AEVIU) (Spanish Association of Real Estate and Urban Appraisal)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: AEVIU and ATASA have established "TEGoVA Spain" which is seeking a convergence of Spanish valuation standards and practice with the rest of the EU. The two organisations have jointly translated EVS.


Organisation Name: Asociación Profesional de Sociedades de Valoración (ATASA)

(Professional Association of Valuation Companies of Spain)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: see AEVIU above


Member Pan American Union of Valuers Associations (UPAV)

Organisation Name: Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España (CGATE)

(Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Member TEGOVA

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