Organisation Name: Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs (NRVT) (Real Estate Valuers Register of the Netherlands)
IVSC Member: Yes
Do members have to follow IVS? Yes, and EVS
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? - n/a
Additional Information: A central register (NRVT) was set up in 2015. All real estate valuers are registered. Use of IVS and EVS is mandatory. NRVT issues supplementary interpretation and technical documents relating to specific circumstances and the law in the Netherlands. In Oct 2020 it issued a practical guide to provide further explanation and interpretation of the EVS and IVS.
Organisation Name: Nederlandse Coöperatieve Vereniging van Makelaars en Taxateurs in Onroerende Goederen NVM U.A. (NVM)
(Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers and Valuers)
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? Yes, and EVS
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a
Additional Information: member TEGOVA
Organisation Name: VBO (Dutch Association of Real Estate Agents and Valuers)
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? Yes, and EVS
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a
Additional Information: member TEGOVA
Organisation Name: VastgoedPRO (Association of Real Estate Agents and Valuers of the Netherlands)
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? Yes, and EVS
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a
Additional Information: member TEGOVA
Organisation Name: Waarderingskamer (Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment)
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? Yes, and EVS
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a
Additional Information: member TEGOVA
Organisation Name: Nederlands Instituut voor Register Valuators (NIRV)
Dutch institute of chartered business valuators
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? No
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a
Additional Information: