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Organisation Name: Bund der Öffentlich Bestellten Vermessungsingenieure e.V. (BDVI)

(German Association of Publicly Appointed Surveyors)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: member TEGOVA

Organisation Name: Bundesverband Öffentlich Bestellter und Vereidigter Sowie  Qualifizierter Sachverständiger (BVS)

(Association of Publicly Certified and Qualified Experts)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: member TEGOVA

Organisation Name: European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? Yes

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? No

Additional Information: Publishes Professional Standards together with US organisation National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA)

Organisation Name: HypZert GmbH

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Certification company founded by the Association of German Mortgage Banks

Organisation Name: Immobilienverband  Deutschland Ivd Bundesverband der Immobilienberater, Makler, Verwalter und  Sachverständigen e.V. (IVD) (German Real Estate Professional Association)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: member TEGOVA

Organisation Name: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland (IDW)

(Institute of Public Auditors in Germany)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS?  No

Does organisation issue its own standards? Yes

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? No

Additional Information: IDW issues standards for business and intangible asset valuation and the preparation of fairness opinions

Organisation Name: Society of Investment Professionals (DVFA)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Issues Best Practice Recommendations Corporate Valuations

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