Organisation Name - Verband Österreichischer Immobiliensachverständiger (Austrian Association of Real Estate Experts)
IVSC Member - Yes
Do members have to follow IVS ? - No
Does organisation issue its own standards? - No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? - N/A
Additional Information: - Member TEGOVA Translated European Valuation Standards 2016 into German
Organisation Name - Österreichischer Verband der Immobilienwirtschaft (OVI) (Austrian Real Estate Association) Immobiliensachverständiger (Austrian Association of Real Estate Experts)
IVSC Member - Yes
Do members have to follow IVS ? - No
Does organisation issue its own standards? - N/A
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? - N/A
Additional Information: - Member TEGOVA
Organisation Name - Institut Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer (Austrian Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
IVSC Member - No
Do members have to follow IVS ? - No
Does organisation issue its own standards? - Yes
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? - No
Additional Information: - Issues standards on business, intangible asset and financial instruments valuation (Fachgutachten KFS/BW1