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Organisation Name: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Issues Certificate in Business Valuations (in collaboration with Conseil Superieur Ordre Des Experts-Comptables (CSEC) in France).

Organisation Name: Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Member TEGOVA

Organisation Name: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: Has a ‘valuation community’ for valuation experts and business valuation practitioners.

Organisation Name: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? No

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: 

Organisation Name: Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV)

IVSC Member:  No

Do members have to follow IVS? Yes

Does organisation issue its own standards? No

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? n/a

Additional Information: See comment under RICS.


Organisation Name: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

IVSC Member:  Yes

Do members have to follow IVS? Yes

Does organisation issue its own standards? Yes

Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? Yes

Additional Information: Members of RICS have to comply with Institution's Professional Standards. In the case of valuation these are the RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2020 (the Red Book) which are supported in the by a UK national supplement.  The IRRV, see above, also requires its members to follw the Red Book when undertaking valuations.

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