Organisation Name: Property Institute of New Zealand
IVSC Member: Yes
Do members have to follow IVS? No
Does organisation issue its own standards? Yes
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? Yes
Additional Information: The Australia and New Zealand Valuation and Property Standards (ANZVPS) is a joint publication of the Australian Property Institute (API) and the Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ). These include the IVS plus additional material on their application to specific matters in NZ markets.
Major financial institutions such as the main trading banks also have their own standards that generally correlate with the PINZ standards
Organisation Name: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
IVSC Member: No
Do members have to follow IVS? No
Does organisation issue its own standards? No
Do these, include, replace, or extend IVS ? No
Additional Information: Members of CAANZ are required to follow Advisory Engagement Standard 2 (AES-2) in New Zealand – Independent Business Valuation Engagements